Public Sector Procurement Consultancy with PASS

procurement consultants

Whether you are seeking help to draft tender specifications, undertake market engagement or just review your current processes, our official Training and Support Partner, PASS (Procurement Advice and Support Service) is experienced in all aspects of public sector procurement.  PASS Procurement Consultants have years of experience working within the public sector itself.

Read more about how PASS consultancy can help your public sector organisation.


Consultancy solutions

Whether you want to enhance the skill set of your procurement team, run a tailored training session or need some help with delivering your contracts, PASS has the perfect solution for you. With a variety of consultancy options available, PASS can help you deliver better outcomes in your procurement.


Public sector procurement training

PASS offers a range of training and consultancy solutions, designed to meet your needs and help you deliver effective and efficient outcomes. With training events held across the UK, PASS Procurement offers courses that are designed for all skill levels.

Here are some of the most popular public sector training courses that PASS offers:

  • Introduction to Public Procurement
  • Understanding the OJEU Proforma
  • Writing a Tender Specification
  • Complying with the Standard Selection Questionnaire
  • UK Public Contract Regulations


Expert in-house training

PASS also provides expert in-house training that ensures that all your staff are fully aware of the latest legislation, guidance, processes and practices affecting public sector procurement. No matter what your public procurement knowledge requirements are, the PASS Consultancy service can adapt and develop expert training specifically focused on your needs.

PASS in-house training leads the way in delivering quality training that is specific to the varied needs of today’s public procurement professionals, helping them meet the Government’s objective of improving the performance of public procurement.


Gain insight with PASS

If you would like to find out more about PASSProcurement Consultants and how it can help your public sector organisation, visit the website today.

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